Archive for the ‘Poems’ Category

Life is a miracle

Monday, September 19th, 2011

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My dear friend

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011


Come, Come, Come…

Friday, September 9th, 2011


Come, come, come
My endless desires
Come, come, come
Come my beloved
Come my sweetheart
Come, come, come

Don't talk about the journey
Say no more of the path
The path one must take
You are my path
You are my journey
Come, come, come

You stole from this earth
A bouquet of roses
I am hidden in that bouquet
Come, come, come

As long as I am sober
And keep talking about good and bad
I am missing the most important event
Seeing your face
Come come come

I must be a moron
Missing this life
If I don't cast my mind
In the fire of love
Come, come, come


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Where Everything Is Music

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011


Life without passion is like…

Friday, June 24th, 2011

A life without passion would be like
A singer with no voice
A chef with no kitchen
A writer without paper and pen
A painter with no paint

Life without passion is like
The ocean with no water
A restaurant with no food
A desert without sand
A house with no doors

Life without passion would be like
A church with no God
An athlete with no feet
A book with blank pages
Like bread without yeast
Like a coke with no sugar

Life with no passion
Wouldn’t be life at all.

Noel Pinell

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You never be lonely

Friday, June 24th, 2011

you never be lonely
if you can feel
other's love

you never be lonely
if you can sense
other's life

you never be lonely
if you can touch
other's wish

you never be lonely
if you can see
other's heart

you never be lonely
if you can spread
smile, and tenderness

you never be lonely
if you can pray
in God's shelter

Ahmad Shiddiqi

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